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本周信息大纲 Weekly Sermon Outline

装备站 Equipping Station

The Lord Jesus told us to say, "Go, and make disciples of all nations...Teach them to obey whatever I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:19-20). The spread of the gospel and the growth of the church are closely related to the education system. Through the courses offered by the church, we look forward to making the truth of God a nutrient in the lives of brethren and sisters, to be promoted and transformed in all aspects, and to become a tree of life that honors God and benefits others (Proverbs 11:30).


As the church grows, the equipment center is constantly expanding and upgrading in terms of teachers, courses, venues and equipment, so that brothers and sisters can learn in a good environment. Now that the equipment center has on-site courses, we have also upgraded to online courses, which allows more people to be equipped.


Let us look forward to the future development of the equipment center and witness the life change brought by the truth!

​最新课程 Latest Courses


2023 - 生命树教室


2019-Bethlehem Classroom

2016-Multipurpose MPH classroom

2016 - 多用途 MPH 教室.JPG
2015 - 教会初期在家开课.jpg

2015-Classes started at home in early church

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